Third Year

                 PART -3
                           PAPER -1st


         UNIT -1

·         C++ Vs Java and Internet and WWW, Java support Systems, Java  Environment, Java  Program Structure, Tokens, Statements, Java Virtual Machine, Expressions & Its Evaluation, Data Types, Type Casting, Operators : Expressions & Its Evaluation, Decision Making and Branching, Loops, Jumps in Loops, Labeled Loops

         UNIT -2

·         Defining a Class, Adding Variables and Method, Creating Objects, Assessing Class Members, Constructors, Method Overloading, Static Members, Nesting of Methods, Inheritance :  Extending a Class, Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Method, Final Classes, Finalizes Methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control

         UNIT -3

·         Arrays, One dimensional  & Two Dimensional, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper Classes, Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, Implementing Interface, Accessing Interface Variables, System Packages, Using System Packages Naming Conversions : Creating Packages, Accessing Packages, Using Package, Adding  a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes

         UNIT -4

·         Threads , Creating Threads,  Extending the Threads Class, Stopping  and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of a Thread, Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization,  Implementing the Runnable Interface

         UNIT -5

·         Applets, Local and Remote Applets, Applets Vs Applications, Writing Applets, Applets Life Cycle, Creating an Executable Applet, Designing a Web Page  Applettage, Adding Applet to HTML File, Running the Applet, Passing Parameters to Applets, Aligning the Display, HTML tags & Applets, Getting Input from the User


         UNIT -1

·         Introduction to Internet Applications: Introduction to Internet, WWW, News Group. E-Mail, Messaging Protocol, Internet Protocol(HTTP,FTP,TFTP,DNS,SMTP,IMAP,POP and TCP/IP), Setting up Internet Connection using Dial-up & Leased-Line(Broadband). Creating  e-Mail, Sending Mails, Attachments, Using FTP Services

        UNIT -2

·         Web Page Designing: - Using Different Browsers (Internet Explore/ Netscape Navigator), Browsing Internet and e-Mail Service Providers, Features of Internet Service (Chatting, Conferencing), MIRC. HTML & DHTML, HTML Tags, Designing Tables, Frames & Forms, Placing Images, Animation and Sound on Sites, Using Hit Counter. Adding VB Script Code to HTML Pages, Scripting Functions Using Front Page 2002 Hosting your Website Using The Free Hosting sites like Yahoo, Angel fire, etc.

        UNIT -3

·         Server Side Programming using ASP :- ASP Object, DOM, Database Accessing on Web Using Form for Perform Query in Databases


         UNIT -1

·         Introduction :- Networking Terminologies, Active Vs Passive Attacks, Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, The Multilevel Model of Security, Legal Issues Introduction, Breaking and Encryption Scheme, Types of Cryptographic Function –Sacred Key, Public Key and Hash Algorithms. Data Encryption Standards, International Data.  Encryption Algorithm, Advanced Encryption Standard, RC4 Modes of Operation, Encrypting a Large Message, Generating MACs, Multiple Encryption DES. Public Key Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, Digital Signature Standard

       UNIT -2

·         Authentication: - Password Based, Address Based, Cryptographic Authentication Protocols, Eavesdropping and Server Database Reading, Trusted Intermediaries, Session Key, Authentication of People Security Handshake Pitfalls. Electronic Mail Security, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), Firewalls, Web Issues.

                                                    PAPER -2nd


         UNIT -1

·         Visual Programming: - The Fundamental of Visual Basic, Introduction, VB Editions, Working with Visual Basic, IDE, The Elements of the User-Interface, Designing the User Interface, Programming an Application, Visual Development and Event-Driven Programming, Customizing the Environment.
·         Visual Basic the Language:- Visual Basic Projects, The Project files, Variables, Constants, Arrays, Collections, Procedures, Arguments, Function Returns Values, Control Flow Statements, Looping Statements, Nested  Control  Structures, Exit Statement.
·         Working With Forms :- The Appearance of the Form, Designing menus, Building Dynamic Forms, Drag and Drop Operations, Mouse Conflicts
·         Basic Active X Controls :- The textbox Control, The List Box and Combo Box Control, The Scroll Bar and Slider Controls, The File Controls.
·         Advanced Active X Controls :- The Common Dialogs Control, Using the Common Dialog Control the Tree View And List View Controls, The Rich Text Box Control, The RTF Language, The Msflexgrid Control
·         Multiple Document Interface :- MDI Applications, Parent & Child MDI forms, Accessing,  Child forms, Implementing Scrolling forms
·         Database Programming with VB :-  The Active Data Objects, Data Environment, SQL, Msflexgrid Control, ADO, DAO, Library, Report Designing Using Data Report. Interfacing with MS-Access & Oracle Database


        UNIT -1

·         Introduction: - SQL Server 2000, Relational Database Management System & Conventional Database Systems. Installing SQL Server. Working with Enterprise Manager. Configuring a Database, Creating Tables, Views, Defining Constraints, Creating Relationships. Designing Database Diagram. Creating Indexes. Creating User-Defined Data types, Creating Stored Procedures And Function
·         Working with Query Analyzer, Writing Queries, Using Relational Operators Like Project, Join, Intersect, Union, Difference. Built in SQL Functions. Performing Data Manipulation from Query Analyzer. Query Optimization
·         Using OLE DB, ADO for Interface with Front-End Applications Designs in VB, Java etc


  UNIT -1

·         System Concepts  :- The System Concept, Characteristics of System, Elements of System, Types Of System, Man Made Information Systems
·         System Development Life Cycle :- Recognition of Need, Feasibility Study, Analysis, Design Implementation, Post Implementation and Maintenance System Planning and Control
·         System Planning And Initial Investigation :-  Bases for Planning System Analysis, Determine     Users Requirements and Analysis, Fact Finding, Determination of Feasibility
·         Tools Of Structured Analysis :- Logical & Physical Models, Data Flow Diagram, Data Dictionary, System Structured Charts, System Model, Pseudo Codes, Decision Tree, Decision Tables, HIPO Chart, Gantt Charts, Warri’s Diagram
·         Feasibility Study :- System Performance Constraints, Identification of System Objective, Feasibility Analysis and Report
·         System Design :- Stages of System Design, Logical and Physical Design Methods, Form driven Mythologies; IPO & HIPO Charts, Structured Walk Through, Audit Considerations : Processing Controls, Data Validation, Audit Trail and Documentation Control